The staff at Dalhousie Health & Wellness know first hand how stressful the effects of COVID-19 have been on our community. We have taken an abundance of precaution to make sure everyone feels safe when we re-open. We have been following the situation closely in order to stay up-to-date on the requirements of our regulating body’s and Ontario Public Health. Our main goal is to keep everyone healthy and safe, but also create an environment where people are comfortable. Our patient care is, and always will be our number one priority. See you in the office on June 16th when the doors to Dalhousie Health & Wellness officially re-open! Until then... New office polices and changes for patients• All patients must register with our new software (called Jane) prior to their visit o A Jane profile must be created o Your credit card information is required for booking o Online intake forms and consent must be filled out o All patients will receive a COVID screening questionnaire 48hrs prior to visit • Patients must answer NO to all questions on the COVID screening questionnaire in order to enter the office • Patients will wait in their car until called or waived to enter the office • Patients must wear a mask in order to enter the office o If a patient does not bring a mask, one can be purchased for $5.00 o It is encouraged that patients bring their own mask • Patients must use hand sanitizer upon entry • Patients must remove their shoes/footwear in front entrance • Patients must leave their personal belongings in their cars • Only the patient being treated is permitted to enter the office (children under 16 are permitted to have an adult accompany them) • We only accept tap payments or credit cards stored securely on file o No cash or cheque • No patients may wait in the waiting room • Patients may be asked to reschedule their next appointment by phone in order to free up the reception area • NO patients in upstairs bathroom • Patients will be asked to leave if they are not willing to comply with office policies • No walk-in appointments will be permitted at this time • All remedy pick-ups must be called in advance and a pick up time arranged o Upon arrival the patient must call the office or wait to be waived in • Please note that our 24 hour cancellation policyapplies, even when sick Clean & wash hands, and repeat!• All cleaning will be done with medical grade cleaner or bleach and water (at a 1:9 ratio) • All surfaces, doorknobs and treatment tools, treatment tables and any areas touched by practitioners and clients/patients are to be are to be sanitized after each patient visit by each individual practitioner • All staff are required to have a pair of indoor shoes worn only in office, OR required to wipe the solestheir shoes with medical grade cleaner upon entry o It is strongly suggested that you leave a pair of indoor shoes at the office • Practitioners must wash their hands… o As soon as they enter the office o Before and after a patient leaves o Before and after putting a mask on o Before and after eating o Before and after going to the bathroom o Before and after checking a patient out (if reception is not available) • All practitioners are required to wear a medical grade mask in office at all times o New masks are required when removed o Please refer to your regulating body standards of care for how to apply a mask properly • All practitioners are required to clean ALL surfaces in their room at day end • All furniture must be off the ground at day end and ready for a morning deep clean by front end staff • Kitchenette is to be wiped with each use • We are leaving 10 min between each patient for cleaning • Patients must wait in treatment rooms until reception is clear (only one person in reception at a time) • We are now paperless, all practitioners, Doctors and staff will keep notes in our new Jane software • Front end staff will wipe all surfaces touched by clients after every person leaves the office(Front door handle inside and outside, Reception counter top, POS machine, Bathroom surfaces if used by patients) A deep clean will be preformed at the beginning of each day • Vacuum and mop (use 9:1 solution water: bleach)entire office, upstairs and main floor • Deep clean bathrooms and kitchenette o Water and bleach solution on all surfaces, toilets and Windex mirrors What happens if someone in the office feels under the weather?• Staff members who have a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat (that is not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition) should visit public health and get tested for COVID-19 o The staff member may not return to work until they receive negative COVID test result • These requirements should be followed until tests results are known and if the staff member(s) tests positive with COVID-19. Negative test results allow the staff member(s) to return to work. • If a staff member does come to work sick, the following guidance applies: • Staff who appear to have acute respiratory illness symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) on arrival to the workplace, or who become sick while at the workplace, should be sent home immediately and asked to maintain at least two meters of distance from other staff and patients while exiting the workplace. • Sick individuals must follow hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, as necessary, as they are exiting the workplace. • Once a sick individual has left the workplace, clean and disinfect all surfaces and areas that they may have come into contact with.
January 2025