One of the most frequent uses of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is for fertility. In TCM, acupuncture is an extremely effective tool when diagnosing cases of infertility due to deficiency of ‘yang’ (function) or deficiency of ‘yin’ (material) in the body. In addition to inquiry upon in-take, your acupuncturist will use tongue and pulse diagnosis to get a clear picture of what could be possibly hindering a successful pregnancy. Many factors can lead to infertility, however a common reason is due to stress. In order for anyone to conceive healthily, the body must be in a homeostatic state–well rested without any stressors. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart must be full and ready; heart qi (energy) must be able to flow. Causes of blockage within the heart's energy system include unresolved emotional disturbances and stress. Acupuncture can address any stuck emotions and alleviate symptoms of stress to elicit a calm, relaxed or grounded state of being. Typical treatment for fertility includes one treatment per week for 12 weeks. For females, we use acupuncture to prepare the body for implantation. Different acupoints are used at different points in the menstrual cycle to ensure that blood, yin and yang are replenished. In males, addressing issues with the kidney organ system–the system responsible for reproduction in TCM–can encourage healthy sperm and libido. Acupuncture may be used in conjunction with intrauterine insemination procedures, in vitro fertilization or natural conception to encourage all the stages required to conceive. If you or your partner is struggling with fertility, acupuncture may be the answer you’ve been missing! Explore the option of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for fertility with Tammy, our Registered Acupuncturist by booking an appointment at Dalhousie Health & Wellness!
January 2025